NHKワールドTVでもおなじみのミッシェール山本さんが初めてであう仏教の文化や習慣を、 英語での法話講座を多数担当する浄土真宗本願寺派僧侶の南條了瑛さんと共に英語で解説していきます。
Nanjo:Hi!! My name is Ryoei Nanjo, and I am a Shin Buddhist Priest. Nice to meet you.
Michelle:Hi!! My name is Michelle Yamamoto from NHK World TV. Nice to meet you too.
ミッシェール:はじめまして。NHK World TVのミッシェール山本と申します
Nanjo:In this corner, I hope to share the charm of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism while strolling around the grounds of Tsukiji Hongwanji Temple with you Michelle. I look forward to your kind cooperation.
Michelle:I’m more than honored and so excited!
Nanjo:By the way, I hear that you like manholes covers?
Michelle:Yes, very much! I could say that I am a Manhole cover geek. I’m especially fascinated by the manhole covers in Japan♪ I have two Instagram accounts, and one is especially for manhole covers.
ミッシェール:よくご存じですね!日本のマンホールの蓋に魅せられた「マンホーラー」です♪ 2つインスタグラムのアカウントを持っているのですが、その1つは、すべてマンホールです。
Nanjo:Amazing. Did you know that Tsukiji Hongwanji has some unique manhole covers?
Michelle:Oh! Really? I have to check it out!
ミッシェール:え!そうなのですか!?そ れはチェックしなければ!
Nanjo:Well, Let me first show you the covers then!
Michelle:Great! Manhole covers will be my first guided tour then!

The crest and the unique manhole covers
By the stairs in front of Tsukiji Hongwanji Temple, you can find
By the stairs in front of Tsukiji Hongwanji Temple, you can find an octagonal star crest-designed manhole cover. It is the crest of Hongwanji Temple called Hakkaku-kikukuzushi (octagonal chrysanthemum). It is also used as emblems for affiliated schools such as Ryukoku University and Heian Middle and High School. Moreover, it’s used on the flag of Hongwanji Temple in Kyoto, which heads all the Jodo Shinshu temples.
But that’s not all. In the Tsukiji Hongwanji Temple’s parking lot, you can also find other manhole covers with mythical creatures that you see sculpted on the temple building. Looking for all the animals is almost like a treasure hunt!
Be sure to take a look at it and get a feel of its history♪
築地本願寺前の階段のところに、八角形の星形がデザインされたマンホールの蓋があります。これは、「八角菊崩し」と呼ばれる本願寺の紋様です。龍谷大学や平安中学高等学校などの本願寺系の学校の校章としても使用されています。 さらに、浄土真宗(本願寺派)を代表する京都の本山・本願寺の旗にも使われています。
▶︎The next theme is “The Image Of Buddha” (次回のテーマは、「ご本尊って何?」です。