NHKワールドTVでもおなじみのミッシェール山本さんが初めてであう仏教の文化や習慣を、 英語での法話講座を多数担当する浄土真宗本願寺派僧侶の南條了瑛さんと共に英語で解説していきます。
Michelle I think one of the things that many people are concerned about when visiting a temple is the basic etiquette. For example, when I visit a temple, where should I go first? And how should I pray to god with respect?
ミッシェール みなさんが気になることの一つに、お参りのマナーや心構えがあるかと思います。たとえば、お寺に入ったら、まずどこへ行けば良いのでしょう?そして失礼のないようにはどうやって祈ればよいのでしょうか?
Nanjo First of all, it is important to head to the main hall and greet our principal image. Temples of different denominations may have different manners, but the basic attitude is the same. Shall we go there right away?
南條 まずは本堂へ向かい、お寺のご本尊にご挨拶をすることが大切です。宗派の違うお寺さんでも、作法や形式は違うかもしれませんが、基本的な心構えは同じです。早速、お参りにいきましょうか。

Nanjo This is the main hall.
南條 こちらが本堂になります。
Michelle It has a very quiet and relaxing atmosphere. What is the principal image of this temple?
ミッシェール 静かで落ち着く雰囲気ですね。こちらのお寺のご本尊は、なんなのですか?
Nanjo The principal image at Tsukiji Hongwanji Temple is Amida Buddha. In Jodo Shinshu temples, standing statues are enshrined rather than seated statues.
南條 ご本尊は、阿弥陀如来です。浄土真宗のお寺では、坐像よりも立像をご安置します。
Michelle When looking at a standing statue, it seems like the Buddha is going to move at any moment to come to talk to me.
ミッシェール 立像ですと、仏さまがいまにも動いて私に話しかけてきそうですね!
Nanjo You are right. The sutras say that Amida Buddha wishes to save each and every one of us, and that he will come to save us according to his wishes.
南條 おっしゃる通りです。阿弥陀如来という仏さまは、わたしたち一人ひとりを救おうと願われ、その願いの通りに救いに来てくださる仏さまだと、お経には説かれています。

【Column】Knowing the Differences! Shinto Shrines and Jodo Shinshu Temples
In Japan, when people visit shrines, many of them wish or pray to God for Mubyousokusai(無病息災) which means “good health”. Also, at Shinto Shrines, people pray to God to make their wishes come true or to have their worries taken away.
However, it’s not the same at Jodo Shinshu Temples. We do not pray to God or Buddha to make our wishes and vows come true. We go there to listen to the “Primal Vow of Amida Buddha”. His vows lead the people to spiritual freedom and bring them to a state of enlightenment, and removes their suffering.
・Primal Vow(本願)
▶︎The next theme is “What do you think of LGBTQ and gay marriage in Buddhism?”