NHKワールドTVでもおなじみのミッシェール山本さんが初めてであう仏教の文化や習慣を、 英語での法話講座を多数担当する浄土真宗本願寺派僧侶の南條了瑛さんと共に英語で解説していきます。
Michelle: The cafe at Tsukiji Hongwanji seems to be very popular! Enjoying the 18-dish Buddhist-inspired breakfast menu with green tea while looking out at the main hall of Tsukiji Hongwanji Temple is a true luxury.
Nanjo: Yes, it truly is. Michelle, did you happen to notice that in the menu at the café, they also have fried chicken with a Japanese herb called green shiso along with tartar sauce?
Michelle: Chicken?! I didn’t expect the café at the temple have a meat dish. Is it okay for a Buddhist priest to eat meat?
ミッシェール:チキンですか?! まさかお寺のカフェでお肉料理があるとは思いませんでした。お坊さんでもお肉を食べても良いのですか?
Nanjo: In Buddhism, killing of life is prohibited. On the other hand, it is also true that as long as you live as a Buddhist priest, you have the evilness to live by taking the lives from others. So, as I feel deep respect for the lives that was given me, I also feel shame deep within. By the way, it is said that the cause of Buddha’s death was food poisoning from eating pork.
Michelle: What! Buddha ate meat? I am very surprised because I was under the impression that he was refraining from eating meat.
Nanjo: In fact, Buddhist priests or monks, who have decided to strictly live without eating meat are a very special case in the Buddhist world as a whole.

【Column】Is it Okay for Buddhist Priests to Eat Meat?
During the period in which Buddha lived, it was natural to eat and to be grateful for the offerings they received from people in their alms bowl which of course included meat.
It was a long time after the death of Buddha, that some of his followers stopped eating meat.
By the way, monks for example in Thailand, Sri Lanka, etc…can eat what is called “pure meat” meaning meat given as alms.
Shojin ryori, literally meaning, “cuisine seeking spiritual enlightenment” is also known as “Buddhist cuisine”. It is vegetarian and vegan-friendly type of traditional Buddhist food which does not contain meat or pungent foods, stimulants, and foods with strong flavors and odors.
One must understand that not eating meat is not the true purpose, but the true meaning of the meal is to confront one’s own worldly desires. What’s more important is to thank the many lives that were sacrificed in preparing the meal.

▶︎The next theme is “A Pipe Organ in a Temple?”