【What is Buddhism? 英語で知ろう! 初めての仏教】仏教と音楽


Michelle: That looks a lot like a pipe organ up there… but there can’t be one in a temple, could there?

Nanjo: Great observation! That pipe organ in the Tsukiji Hongwanji Main Hall was donated about 50 years ago.

Michelle: We usually associate pipe organs with Christian churches, so I’m surprised to learn that you can find one in a Buddhist temple!

Nanjo: In Buddhism, you may have the impression that priests are reading sutras with difficult Chinese characters or chanting incantations. But in Jodo Shinshu, it is important for everyone to participate in the memorial service and in addition to sutras, we sometimes sing Buddhist hymns. So, the pipe organ is used as an accompaniment for such occasions.

Michelle: Speaking of instruments at temples, I used to visit the temple where my grandfather worked after his retirement. The priest often let me play in the main hall and hit a Buddhist bell called “Orin”, and a fish-shaped wooden temple drum called “Mokugyo”!
The sounds were much louder than the small ones we have at home, so it echoed through my body, and it was a fun and rare experience!

Buddhism and Music

The pipe organ at Tsukiji Hongwanji delivers a variety of fascinating performances of classical music and Buddhist hymns!

Buddhist music in Japan originated from foreign music used in Buddhist rituals at the same time that Buddhism was introduced from overseas. “Shomyo””(Priest’s chants during Buddhist services) and “”Gagaku”” Japanese court music) are representative examples of such music.

Since modern times, the Jodo Shinshu sect and other so-called Pure Land Buddhist sects have actively adopted Western-style music. In the Hongwanji School of Jodo Shinshu Buddhism, the term “”Buddhist music”” is used to refer to all music related to Buddhism that is influenced by western music, distinguishing it from traditional Shomyo and Gagaku.

Listening to Buddhist music, including Shomyo and Gagaku, is an easy way to experience Buddhism close at hand.


